SAMAR Asset Labels

A SAMAR High-Security Label (HSL), is attached to each asset loaded onto SAMAR. The HSL contains a unique asset reference number, which remains with that asset for its lifetime. The label incorporates a number of features that make it difficult to copy and the asset number is also contained in the barcode as a failsafe mechanism.

The SAMAR logo is currently in the trademark registration phase – so any infringements and attempts to copy will be prosecuted.

The high-security labels are currently in use by the automotive industry worldwide in order to replace the traditional metal VIN plates. In South Africa, they are in use by Ford. In order to ensure the labels are tamper-proof and suitable for high-security scenarios they exhibit the following properties:

  • High-Security Labels (HSL)
  • Acrylic Adhesive
  • High Resistance to Heat, Abrasion and Chemicals
  • Frost and Humidity Resistant
  • Good UV Resistance
  • Tamper Evident
  • Not removable without label destruction
  • Tesa labels (Beiersdorf)
  • DIN ISO 9001 Approved
  • QS 9000 Approved
  • Federal Office for Motor Transportation
  • Federal Office for Defence Technology Approved
  • Auto Users Worldwide
  • Not removable without label destruction

These labels are made strictly for SAMAR with the management and distribution of them being controlled in a very tight manner.

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